Celebrating Women

This month we’re honouring loving, inspiring women by recognising their efforts and everyday contributions to our lives. We believe the success of every woman should be an inspiration for the rest of us.
This month we're organinsing special evenings where women around us are invited to share their success stories.
The fist woman invited to talk at Frangelicas is Zara Abelson. On August 8, Zara will give a talk around how she, against all odds, has come up in life and reached most of her goals despite her disability. Her inspiring story is about people with mental disabilities (MBD minimal brain dysfunction) who just like herself want to fit into society, and about the challenges they face on a daily basis but still manage to hold a job and function in society. See more details and RSVP here: http://bit.ly/2b6Mt97
On August 9, you are invited for brunch and to listen to Adrienne Bogatie talking about meal planning - how to plan healthy, and budget friendly meals for your family. She will share tips around intelligent ways of shopping for your household, taking stock of what is in your pantry and how to make a delicious meal out of it. Adrienne is also going to touch on the subject of online shopping, and share a few tips. See more details and RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/148314955602617/
On August 10, Elana Godley will give a talk around EQ and how you can turn it into a life practical skill. An important factor in our ability to successfully connect both with others, and ourselves especially in the modern world, is emotional intelligence. When it comes to happiness and success in our relationships, career and personal goals, emotional intelligence (EQ) matters as much as intellectual ability (IQ). What can we each do to put emotional intelligence into action and turn it into a life practical skill? What are steps to take? Join us on August 10 and find out. See more details and RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/242070519525541/
Our talks are accompanied my a light meal and warm atmosphere.